Mesquite Sunset
Hermit Falls
The Reflection Pool
The Falls
The Auditor
The Auditor is an allegorical painting that represents the embodiment of the artist’s spirit. Often this spirit appears as inspiration or poetry but in this case it appears as the artist’s judge and jury. She looks down upon him, measuring his efforts and recording them in her single book of judgement. The cloak that she […]
Elysian Fields
On Staley Road
Champaign Country Club
Curtis Road
Farm on Philo Road
Red Snapper
Malibu State Creek
White roses represent simplicity, elegance, hope, purity–and is a favorite choice of flowers among brides for their wedding bouquets. In the painting, Anticipation, Gottlieb sets his subject amidst an abundance of climbing white roses, making the young woman a part of nature’s beauty. She cautiously and delicately reaches toward a chosen rose. Will she be rewarded with a […]
Sunrise represents an awakening, the beginning of a new day, a symbol of hope, a chance for happiness and a renewed outlook. The morning light can illuminate the birth of a new idea or the rebirth of a forgotten plan. In this subject, Gottlieb depicts a young woman focused on the horizon as she reflects on her future.
Jordan’s Reverie
The color, azure, suggests clear blue skies, sailing the Mediterranean, a sense of peace and tranquility. With the azure silk ribbon gently spiraling through her upswept hair, she appears serene, elegant and poised. In this figure painting, Gottlieb emphasizes his subject’s classic feminine beauty by projecting her aquiline profile and long neck against a dark […]
Brother Fernando
The portrait of Brother Fernando reveals the character of a generous, compassionate and kind man. Fernando has done work for the city of LA, providing health services to the homeless and poor. He is also an avid runner who has a mischievous sense of humor and a sparkling smile.
The painting of Aria was inspired by an operatic solo and the dramatic presence of a beautiful young rising star in the theater. In this portrait she plays the role of a Parisienne socialite who is dressed in the exotic Orientalist 19th century fashion. She is worldly and elegant, looking out with a gaze of […]
Elusive – Piambura of Stephanie #3
The subject for Satis represents an exotic woman with a seemingly cool personality. At first look, Gottlieb’s model appears relaxed in her wrapped kimono, however, the casualness of her robe can also be suggestive. The colors in this painting—cool blues and hot reds—heighten the sense of duality.
In Adrian Gottlieb’s oil painting, Crimson, the artist contrasts the intensity of his model’s fiery locks by capturing her in a moment of thoughtful conversation. Her expression is demure as she looks gently downward, perhaps in search of a gracious reply. The subject is reminiscent of the Pre-Raphaelite artist Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s muse, the red-haired […]
The title, Flight, is meant to describe the freedom the painting inspires. Pure fantasy, Flight creates a dreamscape in which to indulge and delight one’s imagination. The viewer is transported to a psychological landscape, where lush textures and soft light are at play. One’s mind is set free to wander through this highly sensuous piece.
Siren Song
The tales of beautiful women luring men to destruction by leading them with the sound of their sweet voices come from Greek mythology. A Siren was thought to be a half human female and half bird. As described in Homer’s Odyssey there were two Sirens living on an island located between Aeaea and the rocks of Scylla […]